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Each year, through the efforts of our annual Dave Diaz-Infante / Mark Schlereth Celebrity Golf Classic, we are able to present Dr. Anni Comi with a check for $50,000 dedicated to research and development for Sturge-Weber Syndrome.  This annual grant is made possible because of corporate and personal donations at the golf tournament. 

The Hunter Nelson Sturge-Weber Center at Kennedy Krieger Institute

The Hunter Nelson Sturge-Weber Center at Kennedy Krieger Institute is located in Baltimore, Maryland.  It is devoted to the diagnosis, treatment and research of Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS).  The center strives to provide comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and coordination of clinical services.  It offer patients, their familities, and physicians the medical and educational services needed to maximize patient function.  Additionally, the center conducts important clinical research to improve the understanding and treatment of the disorder.

The center was founded in October 2002, through Kennedy Krieger's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service collaboration with John's Hopkins University.  Since its inception, the center has evaluated, studied, diagnosed, and treated hundreds of SWS patients from around the world, ranging from day-old babies to adults in their 60's.

"Funding from Hunter's Dream for a Cure has been critical in the creation and ongoing efforts of the research center.  Because of their efforts, we have the opportunity to make a real difference in the medical treatment of these children and their quality of life." - Dr. Anne Comi, one of the world's leading experts in SWS

To find out more about the Hunter Nelson Center at Kennedy Krieger, please visit their website at:
