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Hunter's Dream for a Cure is a strong supporter of Developmental Pathways.  Grants were made possible through private and corporate donations. 

Developmental Pathways

Developmental Pathways is a Colorado non-profit agency created to serve persons with developmental disabilities and their families.  It was established in 1964 as a community-based alternative to institutional care.  Since that time, Pathways has developed a broad array of services, based on the principle that full inclusion and participation in community life is attainable for every individual with a developmental disability.  Developmental Pathways serves citizens of Arapahoe and Douglas Counties, and the portion of Adams County within the City of Aurora city limits.

Vision:  To provide innovative and effective services characterized by self-direction, choice and respect for people with developmental disabilities and their families.

Mission:  To lead in the development of partnerships that result in the integration and participation of people with developmental disabilities in the community.

Core Values:  People, Community, Excellence, and Integrity

To learn more about Developmental Pathways, please visit their website at: 
