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Garth Brooks Teammates for Kids


In 2007, Hunter's Dream for a Cure awarded a $50,000 grant to Inspiration Playground.  The playground opened in early 2008 and provides the children of Northern Colorado with a handicap-accessible play environment.


As the first and only universally-accessible playground in Colorado, Inspiration Playground provides a unique experience for the region.  In addition to benefitting children with special-needs, integrated play gives typically-abled children the opportunity to experience and appreciate their peers with special needs, thus dissolving damaging misconceptions about physical disabilities.

It provides a rare opportunity for all children to be included, and to play at the highest level of their ability.  This free, outdoor play environment includes safe, state-of-the-art, sensory-rich structures that encourage integration and development of cognitive, emotional, physical, and social skills.  The playground offers a play surface that allows for wheelchairs and support braces.

For more information on this great playground experience, please click on the following link:
